Click here for information about Palestinian Liberation!


Palestine is and has been facing genocide and colonization from the state of Israel. Thousands of civilians are being killed, starved, maimed, and tortured while any and all infrastructure in the Gaza strip is being totally annhiliated. UN and official humanitarian centers and personnel are being torn apart by American-made bombs. Even if the current war were to stop today, Gaza has been damaged in ways which will take decades to heal even partially, and violent ethnic cleansing would still continue in other parts of Palestine being infringed upon by the IDF and Israeli settlers. The only option that can result in lasting peace is the decolonization of Palestine and the dissolution of both the Israeli state and western/American interest groups in the region.

The history of the occupation and genocide of Palestine goes back to the turn of the 20th century. As antisemitism was rising in Europe and the Ottomon occupation of Palestine weakening, Zionism emerged as a hotly debated ideology within many Jewish communities. Settlers began to slowly migrate to Palestine under a variety of different ideas of Zionism and eventually were backed by the British Empire with the Balfour declaration, which sought to secure an ally in the region with which to protect its other violent colonial projects. With this, Palestine was subject to violent invasion and occupation by British forces and Zionist paramilitaries such as Haganah, Lehi, and Irgun, which all committed atrocities in order to expel native Palestinians. Lehi and Irgun were particularly violent, and even attempted to form an alliance with Nazi Germany and the other Axis powers around 1941. Thus, Zionism and the fledgling state of Israel became the inheritors of colonial fascism, as many radical paramilitary soldiers and leaders were pardoned and otherwise integrated into the military and political systems of the new state. This partially culminated in the 1948 mass expulsion and killing of Palestinians, which is known as the Nakba, or "the catastrophe".

Since its founding, the state of Israel has engaged in regular violent and illegal expansions in order to secure more territory and resources, resulting in numerous wars not only with Palestinians, but with almost all of the other states in the region. In doing so it has become a vital asset to other colonialist and imperialist forces which desire control over the region, particularly the United States. This state has not only subjected Palestinians to severe repression, but has also systemically abused Jewish people of color from Beta Israel and other parts of the world, Ultra-Orthodox anti-war/anti-zionist Jews, and native Palestinian Jews. Additionally, the state of Israel has engaged in the import of slavery practices utilizing migrant workers from Africa and other largely impoverished and exploited parts of the world. Furthermore, like Cop City in America and Xinjiang in China, occupied regions of Palestine under Israel have become proving grounds for new technologies and techniques in fascist repression which are exported world-wide. Some police departments in America have even received training and equipment from Israel.


  • Support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement by refusing to purchase goods or services from companies which support Israel. You can find more information here.

  • Donate to Palestinian emergency crowdfunding whenever possible, including both individual families and larger funds like Gaza's municipal projects. You can find some of them here.

  • Show up to local protests in support of Palestinian liberation whenever you can and lobby for your schools, communities, and local companies to remove any future or planned investments in Israel.

  • Fact check everything said in American news media about Israel, Palestine, or associated protest events, as even generally trustworthy outlets have been subject to the United States' information war. Al Jazeera is a good source of information in this regard, but does have significant biases when it comes to queer rights and the governments of certain gulf states, particularly Qatar which funds it.

  • Support Jewish Voice For peace and other Anti-Zionist Jewish organizations! You can find more information about JVP here.